Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sad News

Greetings, all.

Some really sad news came out last night... According to their official Facebook page, Phantom: The Las Vegas Spectacular will be closing down this September. The final performance will be on September 2nd. Words can't express how shocked I was to hear this or how sorry I am to see this magnificent production go. I'll definitely try to see it at least one more time before it closes. In any case, I hope all the performers in the Las Vegas company will be able to find work with other shows before too long, and that some of them might wind up getting to be in a new touring production or the Broadway cast somewhere down the road.

If you haven't gotten to read my review from when I saw the show in Vegas last summer, check it out here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Also, here's a video clip of Anthony Crivello (Phantom) and Kristen Hertzenberg (Christine alternate) performing a shortened version of "Music of the Night" (and also doing a short interview) on Good Day LA. It was filmed and broadcast the morning of June 27, 2011 -- the same day I saw Tony in the Vegas show for the first time -- and was uploaded to YouTube by a close friend who saw the show with me that night and the next.

If you haven't seen the show in Vegas yet (or even if you have), catch it before it disappears! I promise you'll be amazed.

I remain your obedient servant,

Monday, January 2, 2012

These are My Confessions...

Greetings once again, and Happy New Year! I hope 2012 will be a wonderful year for all of you.

To celebrate the new year and my third Phanniversary (having first seen the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical on this date in 2009), I thought I'd share some of my confessions, courtesy of a Tumblr page I discovered called Phantom of the Opera Confessions. Enjoy, and feel free to contribute some of your own if you wish. I should note that none of these images were created or posted by me; they were put up by various Tumblr users who follow the page, but I found myself agreeing with them as well.