Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Touring Production Coming Soon!

It was only a matter of time, I suppose (and let's hope this isn't a really bad, early April Fool's Day joke)... but according to a just-released article in Variety, Cameron Mackintosh (who produced the original productions of POTO as well as many, many other musicals in the UK) is planning to debut a new production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical that will open in the UK and then tour around the world. The production will feature all-new direction, sets, and costumes.

That last bit makes me a bit wary... but I'm willing to approach it with an open mind, seeing as there were many aspects of the non-replica Hungarian and Polish productions that I liked. "Different" doesn't necessarily mean "bad;" what made me fall in love with the musical was the superb story, characters, music, and lyrics, so as long as those aren't messed with and the performers chosen are good, I'll be eager to see what comes out of this. But what do my fellow Phans think?

I remain your obedient servant,

1 comment:

  1. I heard about this and I don't know how to take it. I guess if it's not the train wreck that is LND then we can embrace the change! This blog looks pretty amazing btw!
