Monday, January 2, 2012

These are My Confessions...

Greetings once again, and Happy New Year! I hope 2012 will be a wonderful year for all of you.

To celebrate the new year and my third Phanniversary (having first seen the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical on this date in 2009), I thought I'd share some of my confessions, courtesy of a Tumblr page I discovered called Phantom of the Opera Confessions. Enjoy, and feel free to contribute some of your own if you wish. I should note that none of these images were created or posted by me; they were put up by various Tumblr users who follow the page, but I found myself agreeing with them as well.

(in the anniversary concert.)

(I'd have preferred it if they had gone for Anne Hathaway... or better yet, a stage Christine. Of those who had played Christine onstage by that time, Amy Nuttall or Julie Hanson would've gotten my vote. But in any case, I'm glad they didn't go with their original pick for the role of Christine in the film, Katie Holmes. Not a fan of her singing or acting, and dear lord, can you imagine how awkward it would be to rewatch the film now if Katie had played the role?)

(Except for those times when I walk down very slowly and sing "Why So Silent.")

(I do my best to respect the opinions of other Phans, even if they dislike one of my favorite actors or if they like a performer I didn't think was very good.)


(Even if they end up renaming him, the Persian is awesome.)

(I actually hadn't thought of this prior to seeing this post, but it makes a lot of sense... After all, she is twirling a red scarf in that scene as well.)

(Clarinets and oboes FTW!)

(There are relatively few Phantoms whose renditions of the title song I really like. All of them are near the top of my list, and all of them sing it completely differently from each other. For example: Peter Karrie, Steve Barton, Saulo Vasconcelos, Colm Wilkinson, Davis Gaines, Kevin Gray, Earl Carpenter, Hugh Panaro, Kiyotaka Imai, Anthony Crivello, John Owen-Jones, and Paul Stanley... Hard to think of anything they all have in common besides the fact that they all played the Phantom onstage, isn't it?)

(Yes, I know it's not exactly the same mask, since each actor gets a mask made specifically to fit his face; and the blocking was changed in the Hungarian and Polish productions... but you get my point, yes?)

(Probably the post I identified with most of all.)

(Wish it was for longer... but also thrilled that John Owen-Jones will be doing the UK Tour as well.)

(Every. Single. Time. ...Especially with the right set of speakers.)

(Much like a lot of my favorite Phantoms.)

(I'd be interested to see them come up with totally new designs... but hey, using Maria's versions is certainly much better than going with replicas of the 2004 movie costumes, as many Phans feared they might do.)

(Yes! Especially if Kristen Hertzenberg or another superb and naturally blonde Christine actress gets to do it.)

(Only one African-American Phantom in 23 years? C'mon, US productions, we know you can do better than that!)


(Phantom: My Anti-Drug.)

(After hearing him as Dracula (Frank Wildhorn's Dracula: The Musical) and Jean Valjean (Les MisĂ©rables), I'd certainly be interested. Just as long as he avoids doing what he did as Graf von Krolock (Tanz der Vampire).

(Not the most faithful adaptation, but I liked her acting... and you have to admire an actress who can sing a flawless G6 without having to be dubbed over.)

(I know they don't do too many operas there these days anyway... but still, a performance of Faust at the place where it all started would be interesting.)

(And being in your high school's production of POTO doesn't automatically qualify you to play the Queen of the Night in Die Zauberflöte.)

(I already liked spiders, but the Kay novel just cemented it.)

(The most faithful adaptation that's been done so far, period.)

(Yes, yes!)

(Not sure where they could have fit him in or what kind of song he might've gotten... but still, could be interesting.)

(And why do so many stage casts nowadays try to imitate that?)

(Some of that wine he keeps in the cellar might have helped.)

I remain your obedient servant,

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